This is us.

We are honest people working with honest materials.
We exist for creating endearing products. Transmitting our traditions, culture, values and beliefs to future generations.Our team thrive on design collaborations enabling us to contribute premium architectural finishes to projects we believe will add value to the lives of those, who interacts within and around their spaces, as for their distinctiveness. Our products have been crafted, selected or developed by us, and the customer experience should reflect the knowhow and personality pureed into our collections.
Our passion for creating a product, developing a surface, influence an environment, gain knowledge from a creative collaboration drives us. Our collections are personal, so are our communication and the way we interact with our clients.
Kasper and Thomas founded the company, however, as a team we form the brand. We strive to install a strong balance between people, performance and projects. Collaborative we work with architects, designing private and public spaces. This is us: A design advisor, not just a material supplier.
Kasper: “The company has grown from just working trading hardwood logs, to creating a holistic design brand. The goal was always to grow the company, while not compromising the people.” A personal philosophy is found in the very interior of finding people who share the same values and beliefs. At Fredsted we respond to values. We place importance in integrity.